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INGAR Consulting International LLC

We are a Consulting firm focussed on bring engineering services in Technical Skills, Maintenance and Training  at our Customers of:

  • Mining.

  • Oil & Gas.

  • Heavy Transport (goods and people)

  • Industrial & Marine Engines.

  • Construction & Forestry.

INGAR Consulting born in 2015. Bassed on our Expertisse. We observe that Technicals Human Resource (THR) are difficult to find and their training cost are expensive. According to our analysis we arrive at the following conclussion:

  • Scholar formation is not be able to form this kind of HR because the Technology is changing constantly and ever moving forward.

  • Bachellor degrees are too much expensives careers and generally this HR will not develops jobs like Field Technicians: maintenance tasks or monitoring system directly.

  • The World is Changing, in order to keep our Professional Skill, each one of us will need to take intelligent and smart studies and trainings.

The World is updating constantly and we found that Industries needs even more this kind of Professionals and skills, it means, Technical Profiles with the highest levels of knowledgements, focused on Maintenance, Diagnostics and Monitoring of differents actual systems and for the future.

We provide specialized HR´s and Technical Training Program in order to be a true pivot between the needs of  our Customers  and the Solutions that thet projects needs.


Know our offers of Products & Service Portfolio


Improve Benefits

REC is our Re Engineering Program in order to improve and make more efficient the Customer´s Process, generating a new Work Culture for the Companies and Customers. Working together, we seek and found improve posibillities and changes into the organisation, building "bridges"  between the start point and the "goal objetives" that our Customers need to arrive.

  • Maintenance Management.

  • Stock Analysis and Management.

  • Managers.

We have Success Stories to share with you. Actually we are working with our Customers in:

  • Social Responsability: reducing Carbon Sink in  transport vehicles fleet.

  • Cost: reducing fuel an oil comsumption.

  • Fleet Availabillity: we are working together with our international Customers in order to make smartest maintenance action, reducing the cost and improving the availability of the machineries.

  • Stock Analysis: many customers trust us and left in our professional hands the management of their spare parts stock: analysis, buy parts, strategicall stock, etc.


Maximize Benefits and Performances.

A new way to think and understand the Technical Support focussed on vehicle fleets and system monitoring. Our skilled professionals give to our Customers innivatives solutions, making easiest all of those previous difficulty things and troubles:

  • Troubleshooting.

  • Diagrams and Wirings.

  • Innovative Solutions.

  • Improved Working Times and Productivity.

  • KPI´s measurements

Our Customers receivetechnical information to make the best maintenance task and keeping thei machineries working, avoiding unnecessary stops, avoiding the utilisation of HR, taking extra care of the the environment (useless papers, prints, tools, notebooks, cellphones, etc)

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Smartest opportunitties

INGAR University is our Training Service, where our Customers can choose between take presentials or virtualized trainings (100% online), with our Engineers bringing guidances and explanations about the differents topics.

For us, Training is:

  • Know our own imprvovements posibillities.

  • Improve our knowledgements.

The Knowledgement is the fullset of tools that we have, meanwhile, Training ia focused on improve this knowledgements. Thus, TRAINING is the transformation process for wich the infoormation becames in KNOWLEDGEMENT, at the end, became in expertisse and priductivity.


Our expertisse at your orders.

We are strategicall partners for LATAM fo KUtec, a worldwide recognized German company leader to brng services and solutions for the salt mining industries. According to its association, we are bringingg support and assistance to moitor geoseismic systems.

This systems are very important to keep under control the micro seismic movements produced by fracking and  mining explotation activities. But... is this the only uses for this systemns? The correct answer is no, because this kind of monitor system are well used on railwayslogistics (monitoring movements of the mountains bridges), water-dams in order to produce electricity (to keep monitored the stability of the buildings and dam).

This alliance is very important to us, because Kutec is a German Quality Company with more than 60 years of experience.



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